Technomark Article Hub
Unlocking the Potential: Increasing Productivity with Automated Dot Peen Machines
In the rapidly evolving landscape of industrial manufacturing, the adoption of cutting-edge technologies is not just a trend but a necessity for staying competitive. Among these, dot peen marking technology has emerged as a cornerstone for a myriad of industries, underscoring its critical role in product identification, traceability, and quality control. Dot peen machines, which […]
Laser Marking Source | Laser Types & Selection Considerations
Laser part marking requires an understanding of both the engraver that will best fit your application requirements and the laser source that will provide the best mark. There are a variety of laser sources, and we will highlight three types, as well as two subtypes, of the best laser-marking technology and outline the best choice […]
6 Tips for Choosing the Best Laser Marking System for Your Business Needs
Laser marking systems provide reliability and long-term marking solutions for commercial and industrial applications, which resolves concerns about component tracking for many industries where the product is exposed to extreme heat or other conditions that cause wear and tear. Choosing the best laser marking system for your production line means weighing the various factors that […]
Choose for Your Application: The Right Marking System in Industrial Facilities
Part marking systems are crucial across various industries for tracking, identification, quality control, and regulatory compliance. Two popular methods for part marking are dot peen marking and laser marking. Each has its advantages, disadvantages, and typical applications based on factors such as material compatibility, precision, cost, and durability of the mark. Here’s a detailed discussion […]
Direct Part Marking 101 | Part Marking Specifications for Defense and Military
Direct Part Marking (DPM) is a process utilized by various manufacturers to improve the traceability for the parts they create, and also to cut down on data entry errors and issues related to safety, warranty, and liability. For defense and military applications, part marking specifications streamline the process of identifying parts throughout the manufacturing process; and […]
Part Marking 101: Medical Part Marking Standards Explained
This past year saw a big change in how medical devices are identified. Beginning Sept. 24, 2022, FDA regulations require a UDI direct mark for identification purposes on “any reusable and reprocessed medical devices on the U.S. market.”. The change affects a wide variety of devices, including medical drills, surgical instruments, and dental probes. Other […]
Efficiency in Dot Peen Marking Systems Automation
Effective part-marking is indispensable for ensuring seamless component traceability in the industrial manufacturing sector, particularly when dealing with large quantities. Among the various part-marking options available, Dot Peen marking technology has stood out as a preferred solution over the years. Dot Peen marking machines use electromagnetic or pneumatic force to rapidly oscillate a stylus, […]
What Is Dot Peen Marking?
Ask anyone inside the industrial manufacturing industry – part-marking is crucial to component traceability when working with large quantities. And while several different types of part-marking exist, Dot Peen marking technology has been a preferred solution for many years. At a high level, Dot Peen marking machines use either electromagnetic or pneumatic force to rapidly […]
Direct Part Marking & Deconstructing Data Matrix Codes
Commerce has come a long way from the bartering system. When currency became the acceptable medium of exchange, it only made sense that a better system of marking products was needed. The first barcode was created in 1952, but they weren’t put into use in commerce and the transaction process until 1974, when a pack […]
The Difference Between DataMatrix Code and QR Code
Industry codes are used for a number of processes in the manufacturing industry, but perhaps the most critical application is part marking. Part marking can be used to identify and track parts within production systems and supply chains, and there are many different types of industry codes that can be used for this purpose. DataMatrix […]