2000: the 4 in 1 concept
Technomark invents the 4 in 1 concept and creates Multi4 (patented product), the first perfectly modular marking equipment. Thanks to this concept, with a single machine, 4 different configurations are possible:
- Portable
- Bench
- Combo(Fixed + Portable)
- Integrated on a production line
In 2000, Technomark also marketed the first portable equipment, 100% autonomous and operating with a battery.
2004: first Award
Thanks to the success of Multi4, the industrial marking company saw its sales increase significantly and obtained the French Class-Export Trophy rewarding the best growth in export sales over 3 years.
2008: export boost
Bolstered by the consolidation of its international development, Technnomark was awarded the 1st prize of the Loirexport Trophy, rewarding the best companies in the Loire for their international action.
2010: double certification
Technomark obtains the double certification ISO 9001 version 2008 and Investor in People. That same year, Christian EstrosiI, French Minister of Industry, awarded Technomark the Trophy for the best export growth.
2012: new generation
Technomark innovates and offers the new generation Multi4 range exclusively equipped with IDI Mark & Track functionality (patented Intelligent Driving Impact technology). This revolutionary feature electronically compensates for differences in levels between the part and the stylus.
2013: technological leap
Technomark launches Laser and mark, a new line of laser marking equipment.
2014: Technomark Asia Pacific
Technomark is labeled “Entreprise Pépite” by the Greater Lyon – Saint Etienne Métropole metropolitan centre (France).
In May Technomark inaugurates the “Technomark Asia Pacific” subsidiary, logistics platform, technical and commercial support.
2016: Graphix, first laser range
The result of eight years of work with the support of its partners, Technomark is enriching its laser offering with the arrival of Graphix, a range of laser marking equipment available as standard and custom.
2017: Technomark expands
After 12 months of work, Technomark is moving to its new site in La Talaudière. These new BREEAM Very Good certified buildings allow the company to double its surface area as well as its production capacity!
Technomark launches the Multi4 Mini, the new ultra-compact head!
2018: Technomark North America
Opening of the Houston-based Technomark North America site.
The ISO 9001 version 2015 certification was obtained with congratulations.
2020: supplier to ABB
Technomark wins its first call for worldwide tenders for the Swiss-Swedish group ABB
The numbers
47 countries
- 57 distributors,
- 3 subsidiaries (France, China, and United States),
- 2 Service and logistics technocentres,
- 160 employees around the world.
12 millions
- more than 12 million Euro in turnover*
- 15% growth per year
* Scope of Technomark and its network
10% of turnover
dedicated to R&D,
20% of the French workforce dedicated to R&D.
Over 20,000 industrial laser and dot peen marking equipment installed
Find & contact us
in the USA
Technomark North America
13626 Poplar Circle, Suite 502
Conroe, TX 77304
Tel : (888) 610-0151 – Fax : (936) 230-5679
Find & contact us
in France
1 allée du développement
42350 La Talaudière
Tel : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 – Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93
Find & contact us
in China, Asia Pacific & India
上海市宝山区蕰川路512号 4幢 5层F座
邮编: 201906
办公室: 021 5108 6831 – 传真: 021 5121 1670